While I was looking through some blogs and some very lovely projects I found this 'How To' by Connie on how to add a signature to your blog. This link will get you to where you need to be to do this http://conniekresin.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/how-to-add-signature-to-your-blog-posts.html
As I am not completely computer literate I found this to be very helpful... Thank you very much Connie.

Great signature Polly! Now we need to get you to not be a no-reply blogger....I couldn't reply to your sweet comment. Here is a link to help you.
Nice, Polly. Your blog is looking good. Isn't it great that Connie is so helpful? I think she is great.
Good luck with your blog - it just might take a bit of time for you to "find your own voice", so to speak. Be easy with yourself. This is supposed to be fun.
Thanks Cyn I really am having some fun...if it wasn't for a great neighbour and a really friendly blogger community it wouldn't be
Woo Hoo Polly, am so excited that my 'baby' is growing up!
The evil one :o)
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