I think I have it!
While I was looking through some blogs and some very lovely projects I found this 'How To' by Connie on how to add a signature to your blog. This link will get you to where you need to be to do this http://conniekresin.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/how-to-add-signature-to-your-blog-posts.html
As I am not completely computer literate I found this to be very helpful... Thank you very much Connie.
I know it has been a while since my last post but I am soooo very new at this, not sure what to type, what to share with you all.
Over the last couple of weeks Nomes has helped me to sign up for my FIRST ever swap. I am now in a Mug Rug swap and I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I hope I don't stress to much about it. I do have a photo to share of the colours I chose...I do hope you like!
When the swap is over I will be revealing the finished product:)
In my absence I have also been busy making a Peg Bag which I found at http://madewithlovebyhannah.com/WordPress/?p=136 she calls it a drindl clothespin bag. The end result is rather cute, well I think so!
I put a different spin on it, only slightly...the apron on mine is not free flowing as the pattern says,I appliquéd the apron on mine.
Last but not least I made my first D9P (for those who don't speak quilt it is a disappearing 9 patch). I honestly thought that they were going to be more involved but to my surprise they are quite simple and fun to make...see below for my first one
Until next time... hopefully I won't be gone for quite so long :)
Sharina (aka Polly)