Going back some time I entered a Quilting Mumma's first swap, which was a mug rug swap. Well I have finally received my mug rug. My swap partner Jasmine ended up making me two because the first one got swallowed up by Australia Post :(
This was a delight to wake up to :)
Do you want to know what is inside it???.......
Okay I will show you, cos I am so nice and all!!
Not only did Jasmine make me a mug rug she made me a very delightful zippered pouch, which I must say is gorgeous. Did you know that the butterfly is a symbol of happiness...may there be many butterflies flying around us all.
Well that's me for now cos I have another swap to get finalised and that is the friend's swap that is being hosted by Khristina over at http://sewprimkhris.blogspot.com.au/.
I participated in a Handmade Swap that was held through a facebook group called Quilt Club Australia. The object behind this one was to make your secret swap partner something that she/he would like. You were given their colour choices and their blog if they had one so you could secretly stalk them to try and work out what "something" you could make them that they could really use.
My allocated secret swap partner was Gemma Jackson and the only clues that I was given werethe colours blue and red and that she would like a pin cushion or sewing caddy. I for one was not sure what sort of sewing caddy she would like, so I then had to scour her blog at www.prettybobbins.blogspot.com to do some research. I dithered between a hand sewing caddy and a sewing machine caddy.
I made both, below is the hand sewing caddy
I was not sure if this is what she wanted and I wasn't sure if it was good enough either??
So then I made this
I decided after much thought to send her the Sewing Machine Caddy and a Sewing Machine Pin Cushion
Moving onto the wonderful goodies I received from my secret swap partner who was not the same person I sent to
Beverly Roberts...I felt so spoilt :)
Beverly made me this awesome tote bag and she threw in a couple of pot holders (that she purchased) and a tea towel.
I have to tell you about my sister's 40th that I have been secretly organising for the last few month's. I really love my big sis, she means the world to me!!
I wanted to make her something that she could use as a memento of her big day and Nomes suggested I make her siggy block quilt/wall hanging, I immediately thought that was the idea that I was looking for.
I knew that my sister's favourite colour was blue so for the next couple of month's I collected some more blue fabric (cos I am rather fond it also), in total I ended up with 27 different blue fabrics.
The quilt was made up of 30, 7 inch siggy blocks, the 4 corner ones my mum embroidered a beautiful tiger on them
The end result
My sis had no knowledge that there was a party of people waiting for her to show up. When I saw her face I knew that all the blood, sweat and tears that went into organising her surprise party was well worth it.
After everyone had signed the quilt I had a couple of blanks squares left over so I have a couple small details left to do on it and one is to put a hand print of my sister's god daughter on it and get creative with the other one. I am so proud of me...pats myself on the back :)