This month's BOM for Aussie Hero's Quilts is the Hot Crossed Nine Patch, I made six for this month's and this what they look like
All Six |
I get such a warm fuzzy feeling from reading the email's that Jan Maree receives it makes it worth while. I thank Naomi for giving me the details for Aussie Hero Quilts cos without her mentioning it to me I would never of known about all the amazing work that Jan Maree and her angels do. For myself I wouldn't get the warm tingly feeling that comes from reading the comment's and email's that Jan Maree gets from our soldiers and knowing that I was a small part in that gives me a confidence boost. So I say to all "give it a go", cos you just never know what it could mean for our soldiers that receive them.
Until next time
Polly putting another post up???
Yes... scarier things have been known to happen. In the last hour or so this evening I have been very busy taking photos of all the projects that I have finished over the last couple of months...I'm not even sure if I got them all??
I'm sure that if I have missed any Nomes will let me know.
Let's start on the up date shall we...
First cab off the ranks is the felt crochet hook book that I made which I found at michele made me, the link for it is here. I changed mine slightly...the design that I have on the front of mine is different, as you will see;
Front |
back |
Inside |
Thanks Nomes, watching you play with yours this morning I have now got this post to do as it is
Moving on...
Next coming down the cat walk is a very bright and vibrant Hexagon Pincushion Caddie, which can be found here. This
project was made 100 percent by hand. This was almost foreign to me as I don't do alot of hand sewing, if you have an aversion a hand sewing you could try this machine made one that Nomes located.
Item number three is...a Needle Keeper
Nomes has one of these and I thought that it would be handy to have one myself. I found the tutorial for it at
Item Four, drum roll please (lol)
I think that these are too cute to use as pin cushions so I have decided to make a little family of them but at this stage I have only made the two, I must give a big thank you to Raelene for helping me out with the weight for the big one. I am undecided as to whether I should make another two or three different sized ones. What do you think, please leave a comment letting me know how many you think I should make!
I can't believe that I have so many pic's to show you all
Number Five (is alive)lol... sorry I just had to type that!
That was just a quote from one of the Short Circuit movie's that starred Steve Guttenburg.
Any way I digress...
Below is the Arm Chair Pin Cushion Caddy that I decided that I was making for my swap partner and now I have changed my mind, so I guess it is back to the drawing board for me...
I do believe that we are now caught up!
So TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
When I am over at Naomi's I will sometimes sit and watch in awe of the items that she makes. The items that catch my eye the most are the zippered purses and bags. Naomi never ceases to amaze me with her talent and her tenacity to just nut it out if she is having a drama with a project.
That being said she pointed me in the direction of ChrisWDesigns and the bags that she makes and sells. Well as it happens the one time I look at her blog she was giving away a free pattern and it was for her Coco bag. I thought well that one was worth having a go at and below is the result of said attempt...
Sorry about the picture quality...I have had my point and shoot camera for a while now but only now ( don't know why???) is it getting a lot of use, so I am still trying to get my head around what setting's are best for which please be patient with me as I learn how to use my camera to the best of my ability.
Until next time Happy Stitching...
Remember how excited I was about having signed up for my first swap the Spring Time Mug Rug Swap with Aunt Pitty Pat,
The swap has been and gone but I had so much fun making my first mug rug...I didn't even know mug rugs existed until I met Nomes.
Well I think that I got the most wonderful person to swap with Betty Ann Maki, not only is she lovely she is also I very talented person.
This is what I my swap partner me, a thread catcher,a hand made card, a beautiful mug rug and some lovely fabric :)
What I made fro this lovely lady is pictured below, I drew the flower...
I say again thank you Betty Ann Maki for making my induction into the world of swaps a pleasurable one :)
Big Hugs
I know it has been ages since I last put a post up.
I had hubby holed up at home after being bitten by a white tip spider hogging the computer (grrr) it made awfully hard to get to.
I let the wounded man have the computer as I had other fun things to do with fabric and thread.
In my absence from here I have sewed my back side off, in the brief moments that I have had access to the computer I have signed up for a couple more swaps (they should put a warning label on them...highly addictive)
I have also volunteered my services to help our Aussie Heroes by making blocks which will then be made into quilts by Jan Maree and her quilting angels at Aussie Hero Quilts which are doing an awesome job too. Jan Maree was delighted to receive them.
Below are some of the blocks that I donated, I made a total of eight
If you have some time and some spare FQ's have a go and help us and our Aussie Heroes out, I found it fun and I have signed up to do some more blocks this month, you can find all the info here