Thursday, 19 April 2012


Nomes has done it again...she has convinced me in her ever so evil persuading manner of hers to play Bingo with her!
She gives me this little square and says now you have to play cos I gave you the first square. At first I ignored this tiny square telling myself that I didn't have enough different fabrics in my stash to do it; I was doing well at ignoring that tiny square until it got the better of me...I just had to know 'Do I?'. So the hunt was on and to my very big surprise I had more than enough as you can see from the picture below.

This is my card


below is the description of each square

Nomes assures me that I will have fun,so I'm going to give it a shot. Now if anyone else is interested in playing you need to have your cards done and be signed up by April 22nd.

This is the link to where, when, who and how to
Let's all join in the fun and win some great prizes!
Good luck to all :)

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Perseverance Pays Off...

Nomes handed me this pattern of this cute little rabbit called 'Jack the Rabbit' which can be found at               , she thought that it would make a cute little gift for my grand kiddies for Easter. 

Well I fell in love with the thought and I proceeded to make one...unbeknownst to me did I realise that it was going to be a pure labour of love. I followed the pattern but it was not looking very pretty, so at this point I was going to give up; Nomes was not going to let me drop it. So with her help and guidance,with a pinch from my loving mum I revised the pattern to make it work for me. As you can see it was worth the frustration cos he looks so cute. 

I could not give this one away as it will be constant reminder to me that Perseverance Pays Off... SO I made another two.

I now have a family of rabbits living in my sewing room at the moment.

I have also done another one of those fabric boxes, but this time I did crazy patched sides instead of strips I think that it turned al-right as well